Join me in Snarkville

Being snarky is the only thing that makes this place enjoyable. After all, if you can't laugh at others, how do you feel superior?

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Location: Snarkville, Left Coast

Treat me no differently than you would any Queen. I rule my Snarky kingdom with some kind of dignity, but I refuse to add grace. I rule with my Prince of a husband (he can't be King, since he married into his royal title) and my son the Duke of Snarkville.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My last day...sort of.

Today was my last day before we head off to the great wide world of the Freedom of the Seas. I feel rather un-prepared. I shood have deck plans in my hands, have the Prince and I split up and share the photo taking duties, and figure out how to get a spa appointment first thing. What I will end up doing is changing my clothes four times and wondering if I've got everything. I suck -- we all know this and can move on from the constant reminders of such right?
Also, I have to deal with the fact that Duke will be spending some quality time with the Queen Mum and Queen Pop. He will be brought to us at Club Med on Sunday. Do you think I can sleep in just ONE day between now and then? PLEASE? yep, I'm doubtful too.
I do happen to have BIG news. I'm going to be at BlogHer this year! It is in San Jose and I'm going. I truly can't wait -- there is SO much to learn and so many superstars to meet. But the best part is that I'm a volunteer! I get to go and I get to work at the same time -- oh, I'm oh so thrilled -- in the least snarky way I can say this. I haven't come down from this high all day.
So, I don't know how much I'm going to pay for internet tomorrow and Thursday -- unless it is the cost of Duke's college education, I may try to blog a bit for you folks at home. Otherwise, I'll get you all an update on Friday.
Presents? Oh, there may still be presents ;)


Blogger Grenadine Girl said...

I might be interested in going to BlogHer.....

I'm reading more about it.


9:41 PM  
Blogger Nic said...

Glad there is more presents, because I was holding out once I heard BETTER. What can I say, I am never deserving inasmuch as greedy.

7:41 PM  

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